1422 Bragg Boulevard
Fayetteville, NC 28301


"You have not lived today until you  have done something for someone who can never repay you" -John Bunyan

The Best Is Yet To Come!

Direct Your Assets to a Cause You Believe In!  Better Health has been serving Cumberland County since 1958 and will continue for decades to come thanks to generous donors like you ensuring our future.

Making a will is an important way to extend your love, care, generosity and gratitude to family and friends. It is also an excellent way to support our mission. So why have 60 percent of U.S. adults living in households with children not created a will?

Perhaps the whole thing seems too time-consuming, difficult or even mysterious. To overcome these obstacles, review this helpful guide that gives clear answers to the questions you may have.

What Happens if You Do Not Have a Will?

If you die without a will, your estate will be divided according to laws in the state where you live. The resulting transfer of assets may be very different from what you had wished. While certain family members will likely receive part of your estate, close friends or charities that you may have wanted to remember will not be included.

What Can You Put in Your Will?

Only you know the special circumstances of your family members and heirs. That is why it is important to discuss these factors with your attorney. Some things to address include how you want to distribute your estate, whom you want to be executor and what charities you wish to support.

Ask your attorney about a living will and a durable power of attorney in case you become incapacitated.

Your attorney may suggest other components, but be prepared to talk about these items so you will be in a position to have a document drafted that accomplishes your wishes.

Why Leave Charitable Gifts in Your Will?

Some individuals plan on leaving gifts to Better Health, talk about it with us and their friends, and then never get around to properly establishing such gifts in their wills. If you make this mistake, your estate will not realize the benefits of the unlimited charitable estate tax deduction, and our work will not receive your support.

You Can Revoke Your Will

Note that one of the articles in your will is "revocation of prior wills and codicils." Relationships and situations change, and this article ensures that you are free to alter your will with a codicil or to change your will entirely at any time.

Adding Better Health to your will only requires inclusion of a few sentances.  Your attorney can help you with this.  It's quick, it's easy, and if you change your mind later, it can be easily changed.

Contact us at:
Better Health of Cumberland County
1422 Bragg Boulevard
Fayetteville, NC 28301

Please be sure to use our legal name in your will: Better Health of Cumberland County
Tax ID: 58-2082527